Have a great website geared towards college aged kids, but not sure how to turn your traffic into dollar signs? Time to think about becoming a Student Network Resources affiliated website, where you can turn your traffic into money while helping your visitors find out about an invaluable study aid site.
Even if you have an established website and are familiar with internet marketing, you may be a little confused about affiliate marketing. That confusion is understandable; affiliate marketing is a broad term encompassing a number of different strategies and is not as well-known as more familiar internet marketing strategies like SEO. However, the underlying concept is a simple one: affiliate marketing is a performance-based system; the number of visitors or customers brought in through the advertising impact how much money you make by being an affiliate of the merchant. If we enter into an affiliate agreement, Student Network Resources would be the merchant and you would be the affiliate.
What does an affiliate do? Basically, an affiliate publishes advertising that allows their visitors to click-through to our website, using your existing traffic to help drive visitors to our site. However, if that idea makes you think of pop-up ads while you are trying to visit a website, then you need to talk to Mark, our marketing specialist, because the possibilities for affiliates go way beyond the traditional pop-up. Yes, we can do pop-ups, text banners, or graphical banners on your site, which let customers click through to visit our site. However, we can also do more customized affiliate programs. For example, we can set up ads where your users never leave your website, so that you do not lose traffic or visitors. We can also work with you to create co-branded stores on our server.
In fact, there are countless ways to run an affiliate relationship. While some companies are rigid in their approaches to affiliation, we manage our affiliate relationships in-house, which means that we have the flexibility to meet the unique needs of each of our advertising affiliates. We can tailor our relationship to meet your needs and ours. To learn more about affiliates, find out additional information about our company, set up a conference call, or ask any questions you may have about affiliation with Student Network Resources, please contact us.